Charla-coloquio con Tommy Palm

Charla-coloquio con Tommy Palm

#Metaverse #vr #ar #demeo #blaston #bait #candycrush

In this immersive talk session and Q&A with Resolution Games founder and guru Tommy Palm, talking about the evolution of the VR/AR games market, and what are the most obvious opportunities for game devs and content creators in it.

Resolution Games is a games studio based in Stockholm and led by some of the top minds in the industry, forging a world-class catalog of titles that brings players into the richest VR and AR worlds possible.One of these masterminds is its founder, Tommy Palm.

While he’s known for shepherding Candy Crush Saga to mobile – and so helping to bankroll King’s $7 billion IPO in 2014 – Palm’s success story stretches back to the 1980s, when he began programming games for the Commodore 64. Between then and the dizzying success of King’s bestseller, Palm founded five companies including this latest venture, Resolution Games. Tommy and his team truly believe VR and AR aren’t add-ons or possible secondary avenues for gaming; they are the next logical steps for games. As players and game developers alike, they’ve always dreamed of this day – the day when we can be IN the games we love.

That day is finally here, and they are putting all of our energy into making the most of it for all gamers, whether it’s creating a game to ensure someone testing out VR for the first time has a positive experience or delivering a rich, in-depth multiplayer game that keeps enthusiasts/core gamers hungry for more.